Senior Housing Search can help you connect with the leading companies in your industry.


Senior Housing Search understands that your decision to change careers can affect every scope of your life. That’s why we spend time getting to know you, your needs and your goals. Because Senior Housing Search has extensive work experience within their focus areas, we can help you connect with the leading companies in your industry. We take the necessary steps to ensure confidentiality at all times and will never share your personal information without your permission. You make the decision if you want to pursue an opportunity after you have had the chance to review the facts.

All fees are paid by the employer. There is NO FEE to you. We prevent “crossed wires” with direct, accurate communication. We stay current on up-to-date on competitive compensation packages. Create a winning résumé. What to put in, what to leave out. Resign from your current job without burning bridges. We help you achieve both your personal and professional goals.

Working with a Recruiter

If you have not worked with an Executive Recruiter. The following are a few guidelines to ensure a positive experience:

Ask questions to make sure you feel comfortable working with the recruiter. For example, ask them to walk you through the process, and ask for references. Make sure you know where the recruiter is sending your resume. Always be honest about your education, job experience, and salary. If another recruiter approaches you, inform them you are already working with someone else. Be upfront about your interest in the position; do not hope to get a job offer in order to obtain leverage where you are; such strategies usually backfire. The recruiter has a stake in your success. They can assist you in discussions with your future employer. They can be a very good consultant for you because recruiters know the current job market and career advancement opportunities.